More Masi ads
It's been a while since I shared the Masi magazine ads and the reasoning behind them. At least two ads have managed to escape the scrutiny of this audience... so without further delay;

I don't know what we'll have to do to beat this ad. It was simply perfect and was one of the very best ads I saw all year- regardless of the company.

Though it was a major disappointment to lose the #1 spot, Mark and the team were fantastic to work with and we will be working with them again in 2007. The team has been strengthened, so we should have even more to talk about in our advertising for the coming season. In light of all of the drug scandals in cycling this year, many companies are rethinking their support of racing. For me and Masi, the scandals don't really matter that much since our team isn't racing in Europe and the US domestic pro scene is considered to be far cleaner than Europe. The relationship with the team and how seamlessly they support our marketing efforts, is a natural fit still. So as the ad says, "here's to an even better '07".

I've mentioned before that I always struggle with the copy for our ads. I have such a tendency to come up with several paragraphs of copy for a simple ad... except for on those days when I just want to run the picture of the bike and no copy at all. I really can't seem to find that middle ground without going through a couple days of painful headbanging. You can always tell when the ad deadlines are coming up because my forehead is red from banging my head against my desk!
The thing all of these ads share is a desire to keep the look very simple and similar. From the first ad a year ago up to the current ad, the ads have evolved around a simple design element of "black space". Specialized has been very effective with this theme as well in their magazine ads over the past few years. The plan is to keep up with this theme for the time being... but when something amazing strikes, we'll jump on that.
So there you go. You're now up to date on the ads this year. Stay tuned as we keep plugging away and as always, your feedback on the ads above is welcome.
Tim Jackson
Chief Kool-Aid Dispenser
Posted by Tim Jackson at 10:10 PM
Momoformosa; thank you so much for pointing that out. I will talk to the web czar and get that fixed. I think we did the same thing in the printed catalog... just one cell shifted the wrong direction.
I do like the feel of these ads, but the middle one bothers me a bit. The subject is good, but the race image seems a bit generic and the silhouette picture doesn't seem to fit very well (to me).
No one can take those rankings serious, they are dependent on promoters actually sending in the results (which doesn't happen much).
Mark's a good racer, but number one in the country is quite a stretch.
Anon- Thanks for the comment. Rankings are always like that. The UCI ranking systems have always been a little weird that way too. I've never been a big fan of rankings either.
At the time the ad was put together, the system listed him as the #1 crit rider in the country. Imperfect or not, that's what the ranking system said.
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