Monday, November 20, 2006

Happy Birthday to us!

So, it was 1 year ago today that Tim Jackson started the Krew and posted the first post to get the party started. Since then, it's been a wonderful, crazy ride. We've been thrilled and humbled with the response to the site and appreciate that you keep coming back for more even when life gets in the way and we don't post as often as we'd like to or should.

Thanks to Tim for keeping the site going when some of us slackers can't! You are truly the Chief Dispenser!

Thanks to all of you readers for coming back whenever we post something new and jumping into a conversation with us.

We look forward to year 2 and will do our very best to post more meaningful posts more frequently. Now....where's the cake??

Thanks for stopping by.

Posted by Donna Tocci at 4:26 AM


  1. Blogger T-Guy J posted at 7:17 AM  
    Congrats on a year of great blogging.

    There is no other place available to us regular people to read about the bicycling industry from the inside.

    Keep up the amazing work...
  2. Anonymous Anonymous posted at 6:06 AM  
    Happy 1st birthday to you all, amazing achievement! And here's to many more....
  3. Blogger Donna Tocci posted at 7:07 AM  
    t-guy j - thanks for stopping by, as always. We are truly glad that you enjoy the content.

    Ann - thanks so much! We all appreciate your wishes.

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