Saturday, October 20, 2007

We're not dead yet...

Things here have been quite quiet over the past few months- almost totally dead actually. Please don't think that we're gone for good... because we aren't.

As is often the case, things get pretty nuts in the business as we get anywhere near the major tradeshows, with Interbike being the biggest for most of us who play in this sandbox of a blog. The weeks (even months) before Interbike can be an absolute hell and then the following weeks (or even months) can be just as bad as you scramble to follow-up on conversations and promises. Seeing as how a fair chunk of the readers here are from the industry in some way or another, you are already painfully aware of this situation- which probably explains why readership here has not vanished entirely.

As the Chief Kool-Aid Dispenser here, I wanted to announce that this blog ain't dead yet and that more content will be coming in the coming weeks and on. So, thank you for your readership and patience as we all unearth and regain some semblance of sanity. Hopefully we'll be back more often than we have recently. Hopefully.

I'm looking forward to attending the Japanese tradeshow, Cycle Mode, for the first time in a few more weeks. I'm looking forward to having another show to add to the comparisons of Interbike, Eurobike, Taipei's International Cycle Show and Canada's ExpoCycle. I hope to do a comprehensive analysis of the season's shows afterwards... hoping.

Anyway, long story short- please don't write us off and mark us off as dead just yet. We're coming back and we'll be providing more content in the very near future.

Thank you for your continued readership,

Tim Jackson
Chief Kool-Aid Dispenser

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Posted by Tim Jackson at 7:51 PM 6 comments

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